F.A.S.T. (Fear Adrenal Stress Training) Seminar
- Adult , Corporate ( Conflict Resolutions ) , Children`s Anti-bulling
- Instructor – Wayde Ching
- 1 day seminar available
- 90 min to 3 hour program
- $ 99.00 per person
- Group of 10 minimum
Learn the 5 Fists of Che Xingyiquan including drills, form and applications. 5 day Seminar , broken up into 5 weeks!
- Instructors John DiVirgilio and Wayde Ching
- Seminar and Cost will be announced.
MACH I ( Martial Arts Conditioning and Healing)
Learning to use Indian Clubs , Gada, Maces ,Hammers and various, other types of training that will enhance your training and get amazing results without having to go to the Gym.
- Instructors Russell Ogata and Wayde Ching
- Seminar and Instructional Programs coming soon.
DragonTail Mindfulness
Dragontail is a “ Moving Meditation “ base on simple Tai Chi and Chi Kung movement and energy to promote and enhance breathing,coordination,balance and a positive state of mind
- Instructor Ronald A. Zelman
- Seminar to be announced
Do you have questions, concerns or want to get notified when a workshop is available? Please go to our Contact Page.